A yoga stick is a prop designed to help to release muscular tensions in the body, realign the body axis, correction of postures, and also an effective tool for correct alignments of yoga poses. Yoga stick can be used for therapeutic purposes to ease spinal issues such as scoliosis, back pain, and stiff neck and shoulder.
Yoga Stick Therapy
A Yoga Stick works wonders like a Magic Stick in Yoga Alignment.
The main benefits of yoga stick practices include:
- Release muscular tension
- Self-maintenance of the spine
- Improve body posture
- Bring awareness to the core, align the pelvis, and control the range of movement in the groin
Connecting body and mind
Personal and Family Yoga Services
Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars.
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